Monday, March 27, 2006

Osaka, Day 2

Day One involved landing around 4 PM. The flight was long, and pretty boring. Honestly, I caught myself kind of excited about some turbulence we had once, because at least it was a break in the monotony. Then I came to my senses and the terror set in. Anyway, coolest part of the flight was opening up the window once, looking out, and seeing icy mountains filling the ground. Anyway, once I finally made my way to the hotel, it was around 7 PM. I meant to just lie down on the bed for a few moments to rest, but just kind of crashed instead.

Hmm.. some people just walked into the hotel lobby, and I can't tell if they don't want to use the computer, or if they're just being kind. There's only one computer at Hotel Kinki, and I'd rather not hog it.

Anyway, today was an adventure. To type it all out would take several hours, at least. I started the day wandering out of my room around 7 AM. I made it to the Umeda Sky Building. I wanted to climb it, but it was too early. Perhaps another day.

After that, I went to Himeji Castle, toured it and its environs. I visited Engyo temple complex. That's a story I want to tell, definitely.

My conversations with other people have largely characterized by stilted phrases, unspoken thoughts, and awkardness. So, in truth, it's a lot like back home. Anyway, the language barrier is a lot more difficult to get over than I originally thought it would be. I feel quite bad when some rnice people try to talk to me in Japanese, and I have no clue what they're saying. One quickly grows tired of saying "Wakarimasen". Anyway, there have been some bright moments, to be elaborated on when there isn't someone waiting for the computer. Also, there will be pictures, if I can.

Anyway, I'm alright here. Tommorrow is Nara day, and I think I'll try to head up to the top of the Sky Building at night when I get back. THe view of the city at night should be quite nice. Byebye for now.

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