Friday, June 29, 2012

To Munich!

Dulles Airport was a pain to navigate. There was a line of human beings at least half a mile long waiting to check in. This is not hyperbole. I mused to my sister later that it took me three hours to travel several hundred feet from the airport entrance, and seven hours to cross the Atlantic. Anyway. It is done. I’m writing this from the Brussles airport. This airport is one of those where the gates aren’t assigned until shortly before the flight boards and leaves. I hope, like Malaga, that this doesn’t result in a mass of people crowded around the gate and just pushing their way in. While waiting for my flight to Munich, I figured I’d catch up on the blog.

This year’s travel takes me to Germany. The primary purpose for this trip is to receive credit for law school. As I have always been loathe to give up my summers in the past, and inclined to take as few classes during the semester as possible, I found myself in a situation wherein I would have to take 24 credits next year to graduate on time. Two 12 credit-hour semesters back to back would be terrible. That was how my schedule was the first year, and I want no part of anything resembling that again.

I could have taken classes locally, but then it would be harder to fit in a vacation this summer. Life is short and the world is large; I didn’t particularly want to do that. Several of my friends had studied abroad in law school. One of them, Sam Dillon, had attended George Washington’s Munich Intellectual Property program last year. It sounded interesting, and I would be able to take 4 credit hours worth of classes.

So, Deutschland! It is one of my “list” countries, as I had taken four years of German in High School. I will try to make Herr Landry proud, aber… ich vergesse viel. Mein Deutsch is nicht so gut.

I have heard good things about Munich; both my sister and mom traveled there, and Sam loved it. I’ve rented an apartment in the University district. It will be an interesting experience to have a base of operations of sorts. Up until now, I have mostly just stayed in cities for no longer than three days before moving on. As far as plans for actual travel go… A friend, Lisa, is in the area (ie, Europe) the first weekend, so she is coming to Munich and we are going to explore the city. I don’t know what I’ll do the next two weekends – I am strongly considering Prague, and I would like to see the Alps. I’ll may end up seeing what people who I meet in the class are doing, and tag along with a group.

Alright, I made it to the gate, and will be boarding in five minutes. Of course, I shall update the blog as much as I can, with many more photos than in this entry. Until next time, aus wiedersehen!